Some Recent Work

I’ve been carving quite a lot of treen lately. The past few weeks of work have brought in a lot of really nice wood—box elder, black cherry, apple, autumn olive, sumac, chestnut, persimmon and more. So I thought I’d post a photo of some of the byproducts. Some of these will end up in the store over the next few weeks!


2 thoughts on “Some Recent Work”

  1. Thanks, Jarrod. I'm finding it rewarding to carve a whole range of species—mainly out of curiosity, but I'm also finding which I really like the most for production work and which are best reserved for those "special" spoons. For example, Honeylocust is a beautiful wood and holds a nice finish, but a chore to carve… Autumn olive is a dream. Sumac is psychedelic—almost too much—but nice to work with. On and on. Wood is so fascinating…


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